Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas at our House

Christmas is a wonderful time of year, if you happen to celebrate it. Even if you don't I bet you go out and eat good Chineese food. That sounds good. Perhaps I am hungry.

This year was a tad different for us, but none-the-less, great. The kids had "the best Christmas EVER!!"

Everyone got what they wanted!! (see previous post for more details)
Austin got candy and sweat pants. I'm sure he'll sit around with his hoola-hoop eating candy and playing Monopoly City eating his Christmas goodies.

Bay got superman undies. I sure hope he wears them to school in gym!

Liza got a bottle of her own mustard, which is sitting in our fridge with her name on it. She loooooves mustard; what can I say?

Kate got her own roll of tin foil. She wrapped one present for me and four for Taylorat!

Most importantly we all got love. It was a good day spent with easy times and no stress.

I feel so blessed to have so many people in my life whom I love and who love me and mine back.


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Most Wonderful Time of The Year

I was standing in line today at BYU to get gifts wrapped (You're welcome). A women came and stood in line behind me and started chatting. Not just chatting, but having a full blown conversation with anyone and everyone who would listen/participate.

She was a nice enough lady, for a perfectly good stranger. Anyway we started talking about Christmas and she told me that her mom gave out "black" marks one year for Christmas. If they got 10 she was cancelling Christmas. They got to 9 1/2. She said it was hard to only have brothers. She had to defend herself.

I have told my kids the same thing. However, we don't do black marks. I just tell them they are "losing presents" and if they don't stop fighting they can walk home (if we are in the car).

I do love Christmas and I do love short people.

Merry Christams, Happy Haunika, Kuanza and Happy Holiday's to you all.


Then there were TWO

I know I am a tad on the, shall we say, "Interesting side", but without people on that side, the world would be lopsided. It takes all kinds right?

What I would like to address is something I got out of a book called "Mutant Message from Forever".

Our experience here on earth is really all about remembering who we are as spirit beings.

We forget for whatever reason, but there are clues and cues that make us aware and cause us to remember again.

This book is written by a doctor from America who was invited to Australia to implement a preventative medical program. While she was there she encountered the Aborigine's. They are more of an outcast people than other races are in our culture. However, she did not buy into the myths of them and set out on a journey to assist them despite what other people had told her.

On her journey to get to know these people, who call themselves the "Real People", she learned ten things.

1. Express your individual creativity: this means that everyone has a significant roll to contribute to society. There is not one thing that is more or less than another.It is all based on life experience.

2. Realize you are accountable: We are guests on this planet and we get to treat it as such. We get to leave it as good or better than we found it. We get to care for the plants, animals and children who may not have a voice. We get to be accountable for the promises we make, agreements we enter into and the results of our actions.

3. Before birth you agreed to help others: what does this look like to you? Are you keeping your word? Are you being accountable? Are you doing what is in the "highest good for all those involved"?

4. Mature Emotionally: The goal of being human is to grow and to discipline our emotions. We are as happy as we allow ourselves to be. Being truthful with ourselves and others is the key.

5. Entertain: Show off that side of yourself that is childlike, easy going, happy. On the other side show off the side that can receive entertainment as well. Life is about giving and taking.

6. Be a steward of your energy: For me this is the most significant of all things. We were born of energy and everything we do is some form of energy. Energy can not be destroyed or created. It just is. However, energy can be expounded, or grow larger. Everything in our world, seen and unseen, is made up of energy. Therefore, our words, our action and our thoughts are energy. What we focus on grows. If we focus on scarcity or fear, that is what grows. If we focus on love and abundance that is what grows. We are the creators of our lives.

7. Indulge in music: We love music...every nation on earth has their "brand" of music. Music touches our very souls, it makes us move, it makes us think, it makes us real. Music is our soul speaking. It is the voice of our planet communicating to the universe.

8. Strive to achieve wisdom: wisdom is how a person uses knowledge. It is the deliberate, selective decision to act in a certain way or not to act at all, considering the welfare of everyone concerned.

9. Learn self-discipline: Self-discipline can help keep your body healthy. The state of human health is a barometer showing us the state of the earth's health. It is necessary to develop self-discipline to experience any inner connectedness of body and soul.

10. Observe without judging: This gets thrown in our faces on a regular basis. We know the term, "Thou shalt not judge" yet we ALL do it anyway. Why do we do it? The "Real People" say, "Observing without judging is sometimes called "unconditional love". All humans are spiritual souls. All were created in the same instant. No one is older, smarter or better off than anyone else. Each was given the save one gift, the gift of free will, freedom of choice. The Source is perfect, and everything created by the Source is perfect. We were created spiritually perfect and have remained so, but our gift lets us believe and act otherwise. We allow ourselves to see ourselves and others as less than perfect and have the adventure of acting less than our potential peaceful selves.

I truly love you all. I am perfect in all the ways I was created. I am not perfect in my physical body. I still make choices that are not in the highest interest of all those involved. Nevertheless, it is my experience. My experience leads to my reality.

Love and light to you all.....FOREVER!!!


It has been far to long since I have made a post...Far to long. I will blame it on school. However, I am done with the really hard part of school and I am doing my student teaching in January.

How exciting, right? The correct answer is RIGHT!

What a roller-coaster the last few months have been. I honestly don't know how I made it though. We had some family issues, but who doesn't, then Taylor went off and infected his appendix, aka...kitten pouch, which had to be removed during finals!!!!

I suppose I still love the man, but seriously...

Let me inform you what kind of wife I really am. He woke up Wednesday morning and said, "My stomach hurts. Do I have a fever?" I felt his head, pushed on his stomach and said, "You aren't sick. You don't need to go to the doctor."

Then I left for "my" day. I had a job interview, therapy and two finals...and it was our anniversary! I really wanted to do something exciting for being married for 15 years. Being married to Taylor for 15 years is the equivalent of being married in dog years. That means in human years I have been married for 105 years and I still look good. HA!

On my way home from my job interview, which I didn't get, I had the feeling, "Call him and see if he wants to go with you." So I did and he did. His appointment was at two.

At one-thirty, after I had been to American Fork four times that day, I drove the man to the doctor's office in Springville. As Taylor is telling the doctor his symptoms I am madly studying and cramming for the final from hell....nutrition 100. The doctor runs some blood work and as he comes back in with the results he says, "Can you take that final another time?"

I'm thinking, "Yea, right pal. Are you serious?"

Taylor's white blood count was elevated and the doctor set up an appointment for him to have some kind of scan done at the hospital. I can't remember if it was an MRI or a CT. Whatever it was/is is going to cost a pretty penny.

To make a long story, a tad shorter, by 6:30 pm he was in surgery having his "kitten pouch" removed.

The moral of this story is careful what you wish for. My wish was to have a spectacular anniversary.

No one will EVER convince me that God does not have a sense of humor!!!

I am still laughing. Har...Har.!