Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Most Wonderful Time of The Year

I was standing in line today at BYU to get gifts wrapped (You're welcome). A women came and stood in line behind me and started chatting. Not just chatting, but having a full blown conversation with anyone and everyone who would listen/participate.

She was a nice enough lady, for a perfectly good stranger. Anyway we started talking about Christmas and she told me that her mom gave out "black" marks one year for Christmas. If they got 10 she was cancelling Christmas. They got to 9 1/2. She said it was hard to only have brothers. She had to defend herself.

I have told my kids the same thing. However, we don't do black marks. I just tell them they are "losing presents" and if they don't stop fighting they can walk home (if we are in the car).

I do love Christmas and I do love short people.

Merry Christams, Happy Haunika, Kuanza and Happy Holiday's to you all.


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