Thursday, January 8, 2009


At times I become so enraged with TV that I want to take it outside, put it on the retaining wall, get a shot gun, and blow the whole stupid thing to smithereens! I actually fantasize about the liberating day I do it!

However, there is, on a rare occasion, that I am grateful for the noise that infiltrates my home. One of those days came just the other day.

Bailey has a habit of talking a lot. In fact he talks so much that we have nicknamed him "Donkey" as in Donkey from Shrek. In addition to talking a lot, he festers Kate a great deal. In reality he just wishes she were a little brother and that she would play with him and think he is the cat's meow.

The other day Bailey was his usual self and posed a question to Kate.

"Aren't I the greatest?" he asked her.

She looked at him and immediately responded, "Easy on the gloating Bay!" (Keep in mind Kate is 5.)

He asked her where she learned that word. She told him, "I learned it on Word Girl."

For anyone who doesn't know what Word Girl is, it is a TV program on PBS that teaches vocabulary. Word Girl is her secret identity and her side kick is a monkey named Captain Huggy Face, her nemesis are many such as the butcher, Dr. Two Brains, etc.

1 comment:

  1. "w00t!" for Word Girl! One of the few redeeming kids' shows ... well, one of the few redeeming shows of *any* kind on the idiot box any more, it seems.
