Sunday, January 4, 2009

Gratitude and Crazy People

Today I am grateful that I have shoes and sock and a heater to keep me warm. I wish I could grow a fur coat, but people might point and laugh or dry-heave. The older I am getting the less I am liking winter and the nicer is sounds to be somewhere warm where I can ride my bike all year.

The other day I stated to a perfectly good stranger that it was colder than a well diggers butt. She asked me how I knew how cold a well diggers butt was. Isn't it common knowledge that it is cold at the bottom of wells, and knowing that, wouldn't it make sense that his behind would be cold? Perhaps I will start writing down sayings like that and make my own version of that one game that I can't remember the name to.

Today Taylor and I helped his sister E move. She lives in this cool little building downtown and she has some nice neighbors and some interesting neighbors. One of her more interesting neighbors is Otis.

When we first saw Otis he was walking up the street talking to himself. Taylor has this little game he plays called "Bluetooth or Crazy" that he learned from a radio program he listens to. The gist of it is to determine if people are talking on the phone with a bluetooth or just talking to themselves. It can be a very amusing game because you never can tell sometime.

We asked E about it. She said he was defiantly just crazy.

We took another load out to the truck and he followed us all the time talking to his imaginary friends; posing questions, and then answering them. He had the vocabulary of a drunken sailor. I also learned he doesn't like Mormons or garbage piling around his building, but that is all I could pick out of the mambo-jumbo he was talking.

Otis followed us back into the building after we loaded up the truck and leave it to Taylor to strike up a conversation with this man. I was just trying to get inside as quickly as possible because I couldn't tell which eye he was looking at me with and I was on the verge of dry-heaving myself from his smell. E and I made a bee-line for her apartment hoping to get to safety. Taylor just kept on talking. Not soon enough the door was finally shut and locked! E said he sometimes just stands in the hall outside of his door and talks and talks. She also said his apartment smells. She didn't know if it was dead bodies or not. No bluetooth for Otis, just CRAZY!


  1. I might stand outside my door and talk and talk to no one but I'm to uninlightened to know what to say. I'm boring that way.

  2. so, is Taylor rat crazy or does he have a blue tooth?
