Saturday, January 10, 2009

This is why you should mind your mother!!!

The last picture on this post is quite graphic. So please be prepared.

This is for all the kids who need to ask how come and why 90 thousand times a day, and never accept the answer "because I have lived longer than you have" as an acceptable answer. Here is to all the people who run with scissors, forks, knives and wonder "what if"!

I don't know who this is, but he obviously has had some time to heal in this picture. I'll bet he doesn't mess around or pick his nose with forks anymore.


  1. And now the $90,000 question of the day: Did you mind your mother? I didn't think so. And neither did your fine friend, that is there either moaning or pestering you at this very moment.

  2. oh poor baby boy, he looks happy in the aftermath though!
    I think that you are giving lynn the everyday blogger some competition! I can't keep up with you good lil' bloggers!
